Josh Zhang

Hi! My name is Josh Zhang, and I am a junior at Harvard University studying a double major in Computer Science and Statistics. I am actively seeking a 2025 summer internship. Feel free to reach out!


About Me


Hi everyone! My name is Josh Zhang, and I am a junior at Harvard College studying Computer Science and Statistics. Currently, I am extremely interested in learning much more about software engineering, data engineering, and machine learning, but I am very eager to learn about other miscellaneous tech-related topics outside of my scope :)

  • Programming Languages: Python, R, JavaScript, C++, Swift, SQL
  • Machine Learning Frameworks: Scikit-Learn, TensorFlow, PyTorch
  • Front-End Development: React, Redux, Firebase, Tailwind, CSS
  • Data Analysis: Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, StatsModels
  • Other Tools: Blender, Fusion360, Photoshop, Premiere Pro




1st Place in Pinata Platinum Sponsor Category

Developed and deployed an AI-powered app that uses photos of your food to recognize ingredients, determine portion sizes, and calculate macro breakdowns

ReactTypescriptNext JSTailwind CSSShadCNNode JSPinata CloudTensorFlow

Caption Capturer

Personal Project

Developed and deployed a multi-language Chrome extension leveraging the Web Speech API and virtual audio mixers to provide real-time, accurate speech-to-text captions, complete with a dynamic overlay and timeout-based removal for seamless user experience

JavascriptWebKitSpeechRecognition APIChrome Extensions APIHTMLCSSAudio Manipulation

Climate Agriculture Food Project

Harvard Data Science Initiative Hackathon

Analyzed USDA/NASS data to identify statistically significant trends between average farmer age and agricultural productivity from 1997 to 2022
